Today's forecast onWeatherClear

A web-based weather app


This was a lot of fun and challenging to complete. This is my first completed app with JavaScript and using an API(OpenWeather).

The purpose of this app is to provide accurate weather information to the user. What the user will see is a search box that will load the current temperature of the from the city of their choosing. This data was pull by a function named "fetchWeather", grabbing the temperature from the open weather service with its apikey unique to the developer. Based on the api provided, the user can view the city, weather temperature(fahrenheit), description of weather condition, humidity, and wind speed within a card the is semi-transparent. Also, each time the user enters the city and click the search icon, the background image will change as well.

The challenging aspect was utilizing the api properly and typing the function out for it to work. There was a lot to learn with const and "querySelector", which was used in the "displayWeather" function. What I would like to figure out and add to the app is the ability to change the temperature from fahrenheit to celsius with a button. Also, adding where you can search for the state along with the zip code to get the exact location of what the user would want to enter.

Need it done? Gotta Do-it

To-do list app


This is a web app using HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. What motivated me to work on this project was to learn more about the JavaScript language. I learned to utilize functions that would load the data, create a new task, complete it, delete it and clear the list.

The role of the application is to enable the user to create a task list, mark off the tasks, and delete it. Within the header, it has a custom photo with the function to show the current date using the const declaration. While working on this app, the challeneges I faced were properly calling out the const declarations needed to be used and making sure the correct strings were used and matched what was being defined.

A feature I would like to implement in the future is the option to email or save the task list. I think about the notes app on windows where you can add notes or still have them saved. Given the notes are saved to the localStorage, I feel it would be convenient to have a function to recall past lists.